Photography by Sophie Joyce


ICONS, 2023

I was asked by Mirvac to create a submission for the Sydney WorldPride Rainbow City campaign on behalf of Broadway Shopping Centre.

The aim of the campaign was to install rainbow monuments across the great Sydney area to celebrate Mardi Gras. The selected works would be featured on the WorldPride website and be promoted as a walking tour for people to discover around Sydney. We were one of the 20 projects selected for the campaign.

The brief was to include an element of community and visually be more of a creative display opposed to simply a direct translation of pride flags. It was to span across three large windows and at the City Road entry to the shopping centre.

The project titled Icons celebrated the love, beauty, power and confidence of the LGBTQIA+ community through the large-scale symbols that float on the bold and vibrant backdrop. The display also showcases the work of 6 local queer artists on plinths. Pedestrians are able to scan QR codes and discover more about the artists and their work.

The display was a huge success with over 200 QR code scans by pedestrians. We were also able to donate the entire display back into the LGBTQIA+ community. With the larger icons and back wall to Naughty Noodle Haus and plinths going to the artists who were displayed.